Alex Harris
Alex HarrisJulpm24 8, 2017 13:08
The Original Quids Inn
Nice crowd! Getting ready to start at 9.15pm. In town? Come down!
Alex Harris
Alex HarrisJulpm24 8, 2017 13:08
This Friday!
Alex Harris
Alex HarrisJulpm24 8, 2017 13:08
Looky's Lounge Bar is awesome! 10-1am. Come down!
Alex Harris
Alex HarrisJunam24 8, 2017 13:08
Looking forward to playing The Black Dog Oven tonight from 8pm! Big singalong time!

#isleofmanlife #isleofman #livemusic #singersongwriter
Alex Harris
Alex HarrisJunpm24 8, 2017 13:08
This afternoon, back at Bushy’s TT Village 2024 4pm!
Alex Harris
Alex HarrisJunpm24 8, 2017 13:08
Back to it! The Queens tonight 9pm!